10月头两周New Hampshire红叶peak了,最近纽约周边天气转凉,Hudson Valley,Bear Mountain,Harriman State Park的树叶也可以变色了,Jersey City & Hoboken的小伙伴们周末可以出发啦!

根据I❤️NY发布的本周foliage report,这周末(10/21 – 10/22)非常适合去Bear Mountain和Harriman State Park观赏秋色。
In the Hudson Valley, near peak and peak foliage will arrive in Columbia County this weekend, according to spotters in Hudson. Look for 65-75 percent color change and green, golden orange, and yellow leaves of average brilliance. Orange County spotters reporting from Goshen are expecting near peak foliage this weekend with 50 percent color change and a bright array of leaves, including glowing reds, yellows and oranges, and lots of remaining shades of green.
In Rockland County, spotters checking in from New City expect 60 percent color change and near peak foliage over the weekend with bright orange, green, red, yellow and purple leaves. At Bear Mountain State Park, foliage will be at midpoint of change with 55 percent color transition and muted gold and red leaves mixed with much remaining green. Colors have been sluggish to change in Dutchess County, according to spotters in Poughkeepsie. Look for near peak conditions with 35 percent color change and subtle shades of orange and yellow. Westchester County spotters reporting from White Plains expect 30 percent color change with mostly green leaves, along with some shades of red and orange of average brilliance.

New Yorker对熊山很熟悉了,距纽约市区仅一小时车程,一路上都是斑斓的风景,通常是春秋hiking,weekend getaway的首选去处之一。熊山不算高,上下山2小时足够,加上照相、赏景的时间,半天刚刚好。

Harriman State Park一带有大大小小三十多个湖泊,其中较大的湖有七个,公园里的主干道就命名为七湖大道(Seven Lakes Drive)。七个小湖,远远望去,排列如天上北斗,七星湖因此而得名,大家反而把正式的名字Harriman State Park淡忘了。
👇是Harriman State Park的trail map,如果走Long Path Trail的话,可以直接点击这里看Google Map。

- Woodbury Common Premium Outlet – 购物
- Tarrytown, NY – 可以参观洛克菲勒家的庄园
- Cold Spring, NY – 很美的小镇
刚刚回到家,今天天气比预想的要暖和的多,真是一个实实在在的暖冬。Harriman State Park的叶子黄了很多,但还没怎么变红,尽管如此,去走走trail的一群小伙伴们还是觉得很舒服的。下面上几张今天手机刚拍的照片。
另外,特别推荐一款适合带着小娃爬山的baby/child carrier,从baby 10个月左右(能坐稳之后)就可以开始用了,直到限重48磅。虽然这款价格有点小贵,要250刀左右,但因为可以用好几年,我觉得是一笔不错的投资。